
What Is The Genetic Makeup Of Cells Created By Mitosis

Three photomicrographs show polytene chromosomes. The chromosomes look like horizontal tubes composed of white, grey, and black bands against a black background. They look like thick, striated lengths of rope.

Figure 2: Examples of polytene chromosomes

Pairing of homologous chromatids results in hundreds to thousands of private chromatid copies aligned tightly in parallel to produce giant, "polytene" chromosomes.

© 2007 Nature Publishing Group Novikov, D. et al. Loftier-force per unit area treatment of polytene chromosomes improves structural resolution. Nature Methods 4, 483 (2007). All rights reserved. View Terms of Use

Although he did not know it, Walther Flemming really observed spermatozoa undergoing meiosis in 1882, merely he mistook this process for mitosis. Nonetheless, Flemming did observe that, unlike during regular cell division, chromosomes occurred in pairs during spermatozoan development. This observation, followed in 1902 by Sutton's meticulous measurement of chromosomes in grasshopper sperm cell development, provided definitive clues that jail cell division in gametes was non just regular mitosis. Sutton demonstrated that the number of chromosomes was reduced in spermatozoan cell sectionalization, a process referred to every bit reductive division. As a result of this process, each gamete that Sutton observed had one-half the genetic data of the original cell. A few years after, researchers J. B. Farmer and J. E. S. Moore reported that this process—otherwise known as meiosis—is the cardinal means past which animals and plants produce gametes (Farmer & Moore, 1905).

The greatest impact of Sutton's work has far more to do with providing evidence for Mendel's principle of independent assortment than anything else. Specifically, Sutton saw that the position of each chromosome at the midline during metaphase was random, and that there was never a consistent maternal or paternal side of the prison cell partition. Therefore, each chromosome was independent of the other. Thus, when the parent cell separated into gametes, the set of chromosomes in each daughter jail cell could contain a mixture of the parental traits, just not necessarily the same mixture as in other daughter cells.

To illustrate this concept, consider the diverseness derived from just three hypothetical chromosome pairs, as shown in the following example (Hirsch, 1963). Each pair consists of ii homologues: one maternal and one paternal. Here, capital letters represent the maternal chromosome, and lowercase letters represent the paternal chromosome:

  • Pair i: A and a
  • Pair two: B and b
  • Pair 3: C and c

When these chromosome pairs are reshuffled through independent assortment, they tin produce eight possible combinations in the resulting gametes:

  • A B C
  • A B c
  • A b c
  • A b C
  • a B C
  • a B c
  • a b C
  • a b c

A mathematical calculation based on the number of chromosomes in an organism will too provide the number of possible combinations of chromosomes for each gamete. In detail, Sutton pointed out that the independence of each chromosome during meiosis means that at that place are 2n possible combinations of chromosomes in gametes, with "n" beingness the number of chromosomes per gamete. Thus, in the previous example of 3 chromosome pairs, the calculation is ii3, which equals 8. Furthermore, when you consider all the possible pairings of male person and female person gametes, the variation in zygotes is (2n)2, which results in some fairly large numbers.

But what virtually chromosome reassortment in humans? Humans accept 23 pairs of chromosomes. That means that one person could produce 223 different gametes. In addition, when you calculate the possible combinations that emerge from the pairing of an egg and a sperm, the effect is (223)two possible combinations. All the same, some of these combinations produce the same genotype (for instance, several gametes can produce a heterozygous individual). As a result, the chances that two siblings will have the aforementioned combination of chromosomes (assuming no recombination) is nigh (3/8)23, or i in 6.27 billion. Of course, there are more than 23 segregating units (Hirsch, 2004).

While calculations of the random assortment of chromosomes and the mixture of different gametes are impressive, random assortment is not the simply source of variation that comes from meiosis. In fact, these calculations are platonic numbers based on chromosomes that really stay intact throughout the meiotic process. In reality, crossing-over between chromatids during prophase I of meiosis mixes upwardly pieces of chromosomes between homologue pairs, a miracle chosen recombination. Because recombination occurs every fourth dimension gametes are formed, we can wait that it will always add to the possible genotypes predicted from the 2northward calculation. In addition, the diversity of gametes becomes even more unpredictable and complex when we consider the contribution of factor linkage. Some genes volition e'er cosegregate into gametes if they are tightly linked, and they will therefore show a very low recombination charge per unit. While linkage is a force that tends to reduce contained assortment of sure traits, recombination increases this assortment. In fact, recombination leads to an overall increase in the number of units that assort independently, and this increases variation.

While in mitosis, genes are generally transferred faithfully from one cellular generation to the next; in meiosis and subsequent sexual reproduction, genes become mixed up. Sexual reproduction actually expands the variety created by meiosis, because it combines the dissimilar varieties of parental genotypes. Thus, because of contained array, recombination, and sexual reproduction, at that place are trillions of possible genotypes in the human species.

What Is The Genetic Makeup Of Cells Created By Mitosis,


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