
How To Become A Makeup Artist On Youtube

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At that place are a lot of successful beauty gurus on YouTube. They are the people who live, eat and breathe dazzler and know information technology inside out. If that's something you lot can relate to, and then becoming a dazzler guru is likely to exist a whole lot of fun for y'all. Notwithstanding, it is of import to arroyo this projection with a view to providing unique content and making it interesting. In this article, you'll learn what to do to increment the chances that y'all'll proceeds "guru" status in the realm of beauty!

  1. i

    Make an account. Pick a adept username. It should be catchy, a proper noun that is easy to recollect. You tin never go incorrect with using your kickoff proper name and and then something that describes your channel, such as BeautyByRachel or TiffanyNails.

    • Avoid long strings of numbers. This looks unprofessional and isn't piece of cake to think.
    • Avoid being empty-headed. If you want guru status, you lot need to be taken seriously.
  2. two

    Jazz upward your channel page. Add a nice background, for example. In that location are many programs that you lot can employ to practice this. Remember, don't overdo it- just chose something that best describes you. A good style to get views is to set the video on your channel to autoplay.


  1. 1

    Start subscribing to other gurus. Watching other gurus' videos is a bully style to learn about what types of videos are successful.

    • Obviously, don't re-create what they're doing. Utilize their examples to inspire your own unique take on presenting your videos and content.
  2. ii

    Don't worry virtually making your beginning video completely perfect, just similar professional Youtubers. Just remember that they have been on YouTube for a long time, and so they have lots of experience.


  1. one

    First making videos. Plan your videos out ahead of time; if you don't, there is a risk you'll constitutional on or neglect to appoint the audition. Notice some topics you think people are ,well-nigh interested in, but also throw in some unique ideas from your own caput. Be sure to vary your videos. (For example, don't make every other video a makeup tutorial.) You tin also occasionally collaborate with other Youtubers you practice the aforementioned things as you.

    • Make sure to have good lighting (sunlight or a brilliant inside low-cal) and practiced sound.
    • Speak clearly and loudly.
  2. 2

    Outset with piece of cake tutorials and keep them short and sugariness. Keep the videos at around half dozen-8 minutes (or shorter). Endeavour not to ramble; instead, become to the betoken and hash out the video topic. (This is why planning before shooting matters.)

  3. 3

    Edit your videos. Utilise a programme such as iMovie (Mac) or Windows Movie Maker (PC).

  4. 4

    Endeavor to brand a new video every i to ii weeks. Keeping things new and fresh is important and brings your viewers back oft.


  1. one

    Tag your videos when you upload them, and fill in the description box. This is how new viewers will discover your videos, because they volition find them through searching YouTube.

    • Use a descriptive title too. Then instead of "My Hair Routine," use a title such as: "My Curly Hair Styling Routine for Shiny, Defined Curls."
  2. two

    Add your videos as 'Video Responses' to videos that are similar in topics and have lots of views.

  3. 3

    Exist nice to people when they get out nice comments. Make sure to reply to comments and respond questions. In the outset, respond to every bit many equally y'all tin can. Afterward you lot gain a lot more subscribers, information technology's basically impossible to reply to all of them, only at least endeavour to do 2-iii per video.

    • Ignore any negative, non-constructive comments. Anybody gets nasty comments on YouTube, and the all-time policy is to non answer to them (don't feed the trolls). If they bother you lot, delete the comments. And if they leave multiple negative comments on your videos, just block them.
    • If negative feedback is constructive, answer to it properly. Give thanks the viewer for pointing out what you could practice improve, hope to try a unlike way and let them know that they have been helpful. Not all negative comments are a fail.
  4. iv

    Make a blog or perhaps a Facebook account. This will assistance to keep your subscribers updated with the latest news and videos. Practise this in one case you've accumulated a lot of subscribers.

  5. 5

    Employ for YouTube partnership. Practise this once you have a solid amount of people that picket your videos when you upload them. This is around 750-2000ish views. If you are accepted, you will get more capacity to personalize your channel and you volition be able to earn money from video ad revenue.

  6. 6

    Don't always say "Get out a like" or "Subscribe" or anything that makes you lot await similar you want more than views.


Add New Question

  • Question

    Which moving picture-making software should I use?

    Community Answer

    If you are on your PC, Movie Maker is good. If you are on a Mac or Apple device, use iMovie.

  • Question

    How can I get PR from makeup companies?

    Community Answer

    If you are a 'higher up' beauty guru with more than views and likes, you will get noticed by companies. You can send smaller brands an email to ask if they desire to collaborate on a video where you promote their products, which many companies will accept since they become promotion from it.

  • Question

    What is suggested for someone wanting to outset out only using their phone?

    Community Answer

    Using a phone is probably not recommended, just if buying equipment is besides expensive, make certain not to use the selfie camera as its quality is not every bit good. If you need to zoom in on something, instead of actually zooming, crop the video with an editing app. This makes it less blurry. It may also help if you download a camera app instead of the one that comes on your phone, because then you can get more editing and filming options.

  • Question

    How can I get subscribers fast?

    Community Answer

    Start locally! If you lot already utilise social media, recommend your channel to your friends and family. If y'all have the extra cash, you could order hats and clothes promoting your YouTube channel and pass them out.

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  • Don't be afraid to have risks.

  • Make makeup tutorials on the hottest trends.

  • Having a giveaway is a practiced way to attract people to your channel.

Thank you for submitting a tip for review!


  • Do not ask people to "Follow me" or "Click the link and like" on other people'southward videos. This causes viewers to view your attempts as spam and they may well flag yous. Instead, comment nicely virtually the video and let that niceness speak for itself. It volition crusade enough people to desire to learn more about you lot by clicking through on their ain initiative. Spread the likes, not the spam.


Things You'll Need

  • Photographic camera
  • Video editor
  • YouTube account
  • Relevant videos
  • Makeup

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