
How To Take Photos For Makeup Artist With Canon T6

17 hours agone, BrittanyCollins42 said:

don't desire to crash and burn my first shoot

And then you need to practice PRIOR to your session. You take no business "Learning" on a Paid Gig. Once yous go your lens, use something like an upright vacuum cleaner or fifty-fifty a large coffee can to do. Dabble & play effectually. Larn what the lens volition do and what it won't exercise. If you have a specific room to be shooting this Boudoir Session, then practice in there. No sense in figuring out that y'all need to stand on a ladder in the top corner of the room to become the shot that you lot want because your 50mm is too long of a focal length. With Boudoir Photography, you lot every bit the Photographer, NEED TO Be RELAXED. If yous are stressing out or otherwise look frustrated, your subject will pick up on that and the photos will plow out badly.

Unfortunately, in that location isn't a "correct" respond or recipe that I can give you. I'm not going to tell yous to shoot at f/2.0 - i/320th SS and ISO 400. Considering that might work. Or it may not. You lot might detect that f/two.viii works amend. Or f/4. It really depends. Also, learn how to read your camera's Histogram Properly. Practice not use the image on the dorsum of your photographic camera to judge proper exposure. Your photographic camera's LCD is a lying and cheating whore who volition sell you down the river if given the run a risk.

Basically, information technology is all about learning how to control your Depth of Field with the Wider Apertures, f/1.8, f/ii.0, f/2.8, etc. Your shutter speed should be fast enough that it doesn't introduce camera shake 1/250th is a good place to start and your ISO should exist kept low as possible, merely fast enough to obtain a proper exposure. So in reality, Boudoir Photography isn't much dissimilar than family / grouping photography, or any other blazon of photography, but there is more emphasis on posing and actually paying attention to lite equally you can't more a bed or whatever to exist adjacent to a window. Well, not easily. I'd worry more about posing than what camera settings to employ. Women are funny creatures, LOL...and have all sorts of trunk hang-ups. Girls...want to look pretty. Guys...they just want to look absurd in photos. That'due south the secret to both.

I've done boudoir stuff in the past. The biggest trouble is gonna be with that 50mm focal length, particularly if you are doing things in a pocket-sized room. You really should have a wider lens at the ready every bit well. (Like a 35mm or 24mm.) Plus, pay attending to all the crap that is in the room. All of that "stuff" in the background of a person'south belongings, all that just distracts from the intent. In reality, I'd recommend renting a fancy hotel room where you lot can motion around. Even finding a Bed & Breakfast in an old Victorian House can help fix the mood. Add this to the cost of your fees. Schedule multiple Boudoir Sessions to brand it your worth your problem. I've seen some Boudoir Photographers hire out a room for a Weekend and employ it for a "Getaway" during the night between Sat & Sunday.

Finally, do non be agape of shadows and creating a moody scene. I observe the best Boudoir Photographer embraces shadows and darks. This isn't the Smith Family at the Park who wants a photo for their Christmas Card where everyone and everything needs to be well-lit and in focus. ;)


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