
How To Make Money Being A Sale Rep For Print Company

How to increase print sales – in less than 12 weeks

He didn't know it, but John's printing business was slowly failing

John is the owner of an independent printing company. He came to me because he wanted help with marketing his services. He was full of plans on how to attract new customers.

But, when I started asking questions, there was a disturbing story. Despite John's enthusiasm, the company was seeing a gradual decline in its sales. It was getting to the point where the stability of the company was being threatened. Despite all the action around the new marketing projects, there was very little actual sales activity being carried out.

Many of us are facing many of the challenges that were causing John so many problems:

  • Struggling to find the time to generate more sales
  • Worrying that it's been too quiet for a whole week
  • Trying to manage an environment that is almost totally reactive whilst being expected to say yes to all bonkers requests before someone else does
  • Wanting to be able to afford to get rid of high effort/low income clients
  • Fearing about what would happen if you lost your top customer

You need more than prayers to make sure your business succeeds

There is a happy ending to John's story

He has managed to work out how to carry out regular sales activity. He is winning new clients. The company has recently had some exceptional months of trading. There is still work to do, but he has a plan to build back to the turnover that they were achieving a few years ago.

Imagine if you had a plan that allowed you to feel confident about future sales. Imagine if:

  • You had a clear sales or marketing goal for the next 12 weeks
  • You had a clear plan on what you would do to win new business week in, week out
  • You knew that this was achievable in just a few hours a week, so that you could get on with all the other demands on you time
  • You could measure the results
  • You had a process so that you or your team could achieve this on a regular basis
  • You knew that you and your company would be achieving the revenues that were needed

You'd probably feel over the moon. You'd feel younger. Your blood pressure would be lower. You might even be able to start thinking about a better car or a nicer house!

What if I told you that there is a simple and easy way to achieve these results?

But why should you listen to me?

I'm Matthew Parker. I've been using my experience as a print buyer to help printing companies like yours increase their sales for over ten years. I understand the issues that most printing companies face. And I know how buyers think.

That's why I've presented at events for the likes of Xerox, Canon, Konica Minolta, HP, Dscoop, Antalis and FESPA. I work with industry organisations such as the BPIF and the IPIA. I'm regularly featured in publications such as Printing Impressions, Printweek and Print Monthly, to name just a few.

More importantly, I have mentored and trained many printing companies in the techniques that I'm going to share with you. I have seen the results that they have achieved from using the strategies that I teach. I know you can benefit too.

How do you plan for sales success?

Naturally, many people are unconvinced that achieving the right results is really possible

Here are some of the issues that I hear so often in the printing industry:

  • I am not a salesman, have never been a salesman and never want to be a salesman
  • I've come to a conclusion long ago, as our businesses are reactive to our clients needs, it's just about impossible to plan a sales target.
  • I plan to change and attempt to implement but stuff happens so the plans get sidelined. Production & deadlines always take priority
  • I worry about wasting precious money & time on the wrong ideas.
  • SEO and Adwords are much more important than sales planning

But look at the costs if you don't put the right sales plan into place

If you don't do some sales or marketing activity, you won't win any new customers. No matter how hard you try, it's impossible to keep all your current customers. Some will stop using print, some will choose another supplier and some will simply go out of business. If you stay being reactive to your customers needs, your business will almost certainly start declining at some point.

That's why you need a practical action plan. Otherwise you'll spend your life fire fighting customer and production issues. You'll end up wasting time on the wrong, low profit customers. Worst of all, you'll be sucked into endless time-wasting projects that don't get results.

If things go badly, you risk ending up in the same place as John, with a business in decline and at risk of failing completely.

It's easy to end up this way. There's a constant flood of customer and production issues. Many people find that every day, or week, can go by without them having the time to carry out the sales or marketing activity that you meant to. That's why I've been working on a solution especially for the printing industry.

Make sure that your sales activity achieves the right results

Here's the secret to making sure that you win new clients and gain more business

Imagine setting yourself a small sales target that you can achieve quickly. Imagine creating a sales project that takes three to four hours a week. If you can set aside this small amount of time, you can win new business on a regular basis.

The secret to your success is to set yourself a 12-week sales project. If you want to achieve something in 12 weeks you are going to have to be much more focused. The deadline is much closer. You have much more incentive to get going right now.

All the people in the printing industry that I have seen work on 12-week sales projects have finished with good results from them. They have stayed focused and achieved what they set out to achieve. And, from a personal point of view, I have certainly achieved a lot more from setting myself 12-week targets. Now I'm sharing my strategies with you.

Introducing "How To Succeed At Print Sales: Setting targets, planning the right activities and making sure goals are met"

"How To Succeed At Print Sales" will help you win new clients in under three months. This e-book teaches you in detail how to create a successful 12-week sales project. It also teaches how to keep your project on track and make sure that it is achieving the results you expect every step of the way. When you put the strategies in "How To Succeed At Print Sales" into action you find yourself achieving the sales results you desire. You won't find yourself looking back at a project and wondering why it failed.


Here's what you learn

Part 1 covers the The Principles of Sales Planning. We go through the basics. You learn why sales planning is important and why everyone needs sales planning. We also talk about whether growth is the right path for your company. Here's a few tasters:

  • Warning: most printing companies are on track to lose 15-20% of their customers in the next 12 months. Learn a simple planning process that warns you of any bad news
  • Why growth can harm your profit margins
  • How many sales people are targeted with the wrong activities
  • Pareto sales: the little known secret to improving performance
  • When to measure activities and when to measure results: there's a time and a place for both

Part 2 is all about Business Measurement and how to measure what you are currently achieving. You learn how to understand what will happen to current sales over the next 12 months – and what new business you need in order to achieve your goals. It includes:

  • The easiest way to create a sales budget quickly and efficiently
  • Sales planning should focus only on the future, right? Wrong! You learn why focussing on the past is absolutely vital
  • The four things you MUST know in order to create a realistic sales plan
  • The key assumption that nearly all sales people make that means that their targets are often impossible to achieve
  • The Key Client Spreadsheet: this tool has saved many people from having a big sales problem with no warning

Plan to make sure you achieve the sales growth that's right for you

Part 3 takes you through exactly How To Set Your 12-Week Sales Project. You end up with a plan that you can start using effectively straight away. You learn:

  • How to create a 12-week sales project that is just right for you and your company
  • Why most sales goals mean nothing!
  • The seven essential elements to any 12-week sales project
  • Why you must set lead targets – and the dangers of setting lag targets
  • Five example 12-week sales projects – with full details of all the targets that you should set

Part 4 covers Carrying Out The Right Day-To-Day Sales Activities. You learn how to make sure that you carry out your 12-week sales project successfully AND cope with everything else in your job as well. Here's what to expect:

  • How to plan for client and production problems so they don't derail your week – yes, it is possible!
  • Envelope planning: the system that keeps your day on track
  • Why accountability partners matter – and how to choose the right one
  • The easiest way to make sure you never fail to make a sales call: you'll never forget to contact a prospect or client again
  • A simple way to know what work is likely to come in over the coming weeks


"This book is the ideal sales aid for both budding and established print sales representatives"

"How To Succeed At Print Sales" is the ideal sales aid for both budding and established print sales representatives, irrespective of the type of print business they work for. I am always interested to read sales books and articles. Whilst I've been in the print industry for approximately 30 years I believe there is still a great deal for me to learn. This book showed me that.

I personally liked the planning section and although I thought I'd got my planning reasonably sorted I found the information re-energising and gave me some great ideas that I plan to put into action. "How To Succeed At Print Sales" would be an especially ideal training tool to buy anyone new to print sales. As well as being an educating read it can be used to constantly dip into the various sections to ensure you remain on track. If you've purchased the premium version Matthew provides some excellent practical tools to support your activities.

Mark Ashmore, Account Director
 BandB Press

Beware! This book is not for everyone

  • It's not for those who aren't prepared to invest their money in this book
  • It's not for those who can't be bothered to spend a little time each week putting new techniques and planning into practice
  • It's not for those who are scared to try new techniques
  • And it's not for those don't want to try and change their results

It's only for you if you want to new business and new clients. And if you are prepared to invest time and effort in order to achieve this.

You may feel that you don't have time to put a sales plan into action

I understand. So many people in the printing industry feel they have to put their customers first. But if you don't make time to change then you will still be facing the same challenges. You'll be reacting to your customers demands: and that's never a good way to make the right profits. You'll end up feeling that you're achieving nothing and that you're failing to create the financial stability that you and your company desire.

Can't you just set up a sales plan with out any help?

Surely it can't be that difficult? However, making sure that sales plans actually happen is difficult. Most people only know if a sales plan has failed or succeeded when it's too late to do anything about it. That's why it is vital not only to plan sales projects correctly, but also to put the right checks in place. That's what you learn in "How To Succeed At Print Sales".


"The ideas are now a central part of the planning cycle of my sales team"

"How To Succeed At Print Sales" gives you tips on sales that you can implement immediately in your organization. Going through the pages gave me a set of practical ideas, which are now a central part of the planning cycle of my sales team. It keeps your focus on the most important points and ensures you are making real progress.

"How To Succeed At Print Sales" is practical, stimulating, full of knowledge and examples of selling print. I certainly can recommend this book and Matthew's services to any person involved in selling print.

Tim Klappe, Managing Director Asia Pacific for MPS Systems Asia Sdn.Bhd.

When you purchase "How To Succeed At Print Sales" today, here's what you receive

  • 132pp e-book covering exactly how to create 12-week sales projects and keep them on track
  • Written by an industry expert
  • All systems tested and proven by printing companies
  • Clear example projects and case studies so you can see exactly how others have succeeded at their plans
  • Rock solid "it's not for me" 30-day money-back guarantee

The premium version also includes the following bonuses

1)      MP3 Audio version – recording worth £62

Many people have a lot of spare time when driving or travelling.  So we've put together the audio of the book for those who purchase the premium version.

2)      Excel copies of all spreadsheets featured in the book – worth £19

Imagine having to set up lots of spreadsheets from scratch. We've eliminated this time-costly exercise by including blank copies of all the sheets (with all the relevant formulas) so you can start using them straight away.

The platinum version includes personal help from me – worth £315

If you are learning a new process and want the very best results, it is useful to have expert guidance and personal tuition. I'll personally review your project and give you my detailed feedback by e-mail. We'll also have a 45-minute 1-2-1 Skype call to take you through my feedback and answer any questions you might have. If I were charging this at my normal consultancy rates the bill would be £315.


This book comes with our rock-solid "it's not for me" money back guarantee

We think you're going to be really happy with your purchase.  But it's just possible that you may read the book and feel that you haven't learned enough to justify the price.  Or that you're worried about putting it into practice and risking your current relationships.

If that's the case you'll be able to get your money back. This e-book is covered by the "it's not for me" guarantee. If you are not happy with this product simply let us know and we will happily refund your money.  You don't need to make up an excuse, and you don't have to return anything. There's only one condition: please tell us the main reason you weren't happy with the product, so we have a chance to make it better. So, in the unlikely event that you really don't feel that this e-book is for you, you'll get your money back with a smile.  And, by the way, this guarantee lasts 30 days.

Purchase "How To Suceed At Print Sales"

Premium Bonuses
Excel copies of all spreadsheets used in book (worth £17)
"How to succeed at print sales" audio book (recording worth £62)
Platinum Bonuses
Personal review of 12-week sales project, feedback by e-mail and 1-2-1 45 minute skype call (worth £315)
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How To Make Money Being A Sale Rep For Print Company


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