
inverted triangle face shape male hairstyles

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The Best Men's Guide To Styling Your Triangle Face Shape

The Best Men's Guide To Styling Your Triangle Face Shape Charles-Philippe 2020-08-19T13:24:04-04:00

With the right styling, the triangle face shape can evoke strength and authority when highlighting its strong jawline. However, the objective is to still reduce the jawline bulk whilst emphasising the forehead so to restore balance.

This men's guide provides a detailed overview on how to correctly style a triangle face shape. Here, you'll find the best haircuts, beard styles, moustaches and glasses that best work with its characteristics.

Scroll to read each section. Otherwise, you can choose what interests you the most with the contents below:

  • Hairstyles For Triangle Face Shapes
  • Beards For Triangle Face Shapes
  • Moustaches For Triangle Face Shapes
  • Glasses For Triangle Face Shapes

You will be shown stylised graphics for each of the styles that we recommend, which are links that lead to full guides on how to achieve this look for your face shape.

Graphic of a man's diamond face shape


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Best Guide To Men's Triangle Face Shape

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Triangle face shapes may find the following statement a close description of their features:

Your jawline is wider than your cheekbone width, which in turn is wider than your forehead. Chances are that your cheekbones are straight and taper from your jaw to your forehead with a prominent jawline.

If this rings about right, keep reading! However, if you're still not convinced, you can read about the 7 unique face shapes we cover in our guides. You can identify your face shape following our quick 5-step tutorial.

Note that the above assessment is an approximation. Every individual will have some variations. For instance, you may find that your face shape actually shares features with others.

That said, identifying its closest relative will prove invaluable to your styling choices.

Triangle Face Shape Specifications

What's An Triangle Face Shape Geometric Breakdown

The above diagram serves to geometrically break down the features of a Triangle face shape. With such a large jawline measurement, you may be wondering why your face shape is known for being the "inverted" triangle.

Note the graphic above's proportions. The jawline tends to either slope downwards or span outwards and creates a characteristic triangle with cheekbones and the point of the chin. Sometimes rather than jutting outwards, the jawline may be recessed. In most cases, it tends to create the illusion of a high eye line and short forehead.

Triangle Face Shape Men Celebrities Ryan Gosling Kiefer Sutherland

Best Triangle Face Shape Hairstyles

With its prominent jawline but otherwise narrow forehead, a triangle shape face can benefit from a generous use of volume on top and the sides. The use of volume can be paired with medium to long hair lengths to create full sides. The use of a side-part or quiff can be very efficient in highlighting the forehead. Try to provide bulk to the forehead, which will in turn offset the jawline.

If a short cut is desired, relatively low fades with strategic use of volume in the top corners can ensure a presence of depth and compliment the heavy jawline. Some softness can be retained around the back and sides. However, a lack of volume on top runs the risk of amplifying the jawline. In this case, texture is recommended to ensure the presence of bulk.


  • Use plenty of length and volume on top
  • Reveal the forehead with a swept-back quiff or side-part
  • Be generous with texture


  • Avoid too much softness on top
  • Avoid high fades, which risk narrowing the forehead even further.

Recommended Hairstyles

Best Triangle Face Shape Beard Styles

Given the prominence of the jawline, short or partial beards are often too challenging and result in a pear-shaped appearance. Larger, bulkier beards can be honed to not only conceal the jawline but taper it in a way that offsets the forehead. Always style your beard to regain a sense of symmetry and take care not to allow it to overgrow as this will only emphasise your jawline.

Recommended Beard Styles

Best Triangle Face Shape Moustache Styles

There are two approaches when adapting a moustache to a Triangle face shape. You can opt for very wide and outrageous moustaches that draw attention and reinforce the cheekbones against the jawline. Alternatively, carefully use small, understated moustaches to reduce the jawline's emphasis.

Recommended Moustache Styles

Best Glasses For Triangle Face Shapes

Although styling can be a difficult endeavour for triangle face shapes with personal grooming, they're one of the most versatile with regards to glasses. Thanks to their prominent jawline and narrow forehead, they can wear a variety of styles in order to offset this discrepancy.

Our main advice is to ensure that the frames fit correctly above all else. Should they be too large or oversized, there is a risk that they may dwarf your forehead and exaggerate your shape. Nevertheless, either rounded or angular glasses tend to work well.

If you're looking to bring out your features and create definition, aim for more angular styles. For instance, browlines and wayfarers will define your cheekbones while strengthening your forehead. However, don't over-define as they may increase the prominence of your jawline.

Alternatively, you could consider rounder frames to soften your features for a more friendly appearance. Round and bevelled rimless frames are both excellent choices in this regard.

Recommended Glasses For A Triangle Face Shape

What Next?

Having now read up on triangle face shapes, discover all your options by exploring our guides! Every hairstyle, beard, moustache and glasses guide includes a special section dedicated to face shapes where we analyse their compatibility for each one. Just click on the proposals above or head to one of the following categories and pick a style to find the face shapes section at the end:

  • All Hairstyles
  • All Beard Styles
  • Best Moustache Styles
  • Best Glasses Frame Styles

If you ever need to remind yourself of the basics, you can always head right back here!

Triangle Face Shape Guide
Reviewed by Pablo, on .
"Love the expert opinion Loving the work here, it has helped a lot."
Rating: 5.0 ★★★★★



  1. karter May 1, 2018 at 9:48 am

    Hello there
    jawline> face length> forehead> cheekbones
    22> 19> 12> 11 cm
    If you can help me, please.

    • Charles-Philippe May 2, 2018 at 11:11 am

      Hi Karter,

      That's a tough one! Your measurements don't seem to fit exactly into the identifying groups. However, don't fret as it's not a question of one size fits all. From reading your measurements like that, I'd say you're on the right page for the closest match.

      Alternatively, you can head to back to the identifying page linked above and either try to find the closest visual match or use our quick infographic there too.

      I hope this helps!



      • Somendra Shukla August 19, 2020 at 7:49 am

        Jawline = 20
        Face length = 20
        Forehead width = 19
        cheekbone = 17

        what is my face shape

        • Hard to say as the measurements are quite close. You can send me a link to a picture and I can assess for you if you like.

    • Brandon Clarke July 31, 2018 at 5:54 pm

      Same here! Rock it brother

    • Nathan Gravitt February 4, 2020 at 5:20 pm

      Could you help me with this? I have trouble matching myself to any of the shapes. My measurements are below.

      Forehead: 6.75 inches
      Cheekbones: 4 inches
      Jawline: 11 inches
      Face length: 7.75 inches

      • Hi Nathan,

        It appears that you're on the right page!



        • Vansh June 18, 2020 at 12:24 am

          Please help me too
          My face length is 8inch
          Forehead is 6.5inch
          Cheekbone is 7.5inch
          And my jawline is 8inch

          • Hi Vansh,

            Tough one. You might be square or round, perhaps. However, triangle is pretty likely too.



  2. khan May 21, 2018 at 1:00 am

    jawline(26cm) >FaceLength(22cm) >CheekBones(19.8cm) >forehead(16)… :'(

    • Charles-Philippe May 22, 2018 at 2:57 am

      Hi Khan,

      Your measurements correspond perfectly to a typical triangle face shape. What's with the sad face? Does this not match your actual face shape?



      • Jerrytame October 24, 2018 at 2:42 am

        Sir ,
        my jaw line 22cm> face length 17cm >cheek bone = forehead 13.5 cm

          • Jeevan December 20, 2019 at 2:47 am

            Forehead 10; Cheekbones 13; Jawline 16; Facelength 18; what is my face shape? Please help..!

          • Hi Jeevan,

            Looks like an oblong face shape overall.



  3. ronan May 29, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    Hello! I sadly don't understand the jawline measurement. Wouldn't the jawline always be the highest number if you measure from chin to below the ear and multiply by 2? Unless your jaw is very very small?

    I've been having a hard time figuring out what my face shape is because of that. Please help :(

    My measurements ((L)enght, (J)aw line, (F)orehead, (C)heekbones):

    – When following your indications, and using the tape measure: (L)20, (J)20, (C)~12, (F)~11 -> Triangle
    – When measuring between the 2 widest points with my fingers (or chin to ear for the jaw, without multiplying): (L)20, (J)10, (C)~12, (F)~11 -> Diamond / Oblong / Oval?

    Looking at myself in the mirror, I wouldn't say that my jawline or chin aren't either extremely round or pronounced (rather balanced) and my face is longer than it's wide. I feel like I could be a Diamond with only slightly wider cheekbones. My face definitely feels bony, my fronthead feels somewhat narrower than my cheekbones and my jawline is decently long and defined. But that could totally be an Oval with a slightly more defined jaw. Or an Oblong since the difference between all measurements are very small. Haha… I'm lost.

    • Charles-Philippe May 30, 2018 at 3:50 am

      Hi Ronan,

      Don't worry, as we point out in the identifying page, sometimes this isn't an exact science and our individual face shapes can edge towards different ones.

      By the sounds of your measurements (and you mentioning that your cheekbones are wide with bony features), you sound like a diamond. However, you may have a few traits from different shapes.

      For instance, I'm originally a diamond but I've gained a few pounds recently (one of the problems with living behind a desk!) so I'm closer to oval than my original face shape!

      I hope this helps!



  4. ronan May 30, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Thanks for the reply! I will follow the advice for the Diamond face shape then :)

  5. shubham meena June 1, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    These are the simplified rounded measures

    Face length — 20cm
    Jawline — (11.43*2=)23cm
    Forehead — 15cm
    Cheeks — 13cm

    :-( Please help me. I've tried everything!

    • Charles-Philippe June 1, 2018 at 1:26 pm

      Hi there,

      Your measurements seem pretty close to triangle, which is the page you're on. Is it visually not the same? You can always use our visual infographic as a reference instead if you prefer.



  6. Sandesh Ghimire June 5, 2018 at 8:55 am

    Hello there! Would you please make my confusion clear??
    Jawline(26 cm)>Face Length(21 cm)>Forehead(17 cm)>Cheek bones(16 cm)
    my cheek bones is almost 1 cm less than my forehead..

    Please help me..

    • Charles-Philippe June 5, 2018 at 9:31 am

      Hi Sandesh,

      That jawline measurement of yours sounds characteristic of a triangle face shape. Does it not fit with your face's visual features?



  7. sohail ladhar June 6, 2018 at 5:40 am

    hey man! please help!
    here are my measurements
    8(Face length)
    7(cheek bones)

    all measurements are in inches*

    • Charles-Philippe June 6, 2018 at 6:13 am

      Hi Sohail,

      Yes, it sounds like you have a triangle face shape due to the longer jaw measurement. Is this in line with what you see?



  8. Harsh June 11, 2018 at 11:04 pm

    Face length- 17cm
    Jaw line – 14cm
    Forehead- 13 cm
    Cheek bones- 13 cm
    Please tell me what type face i have??

    • Charles-Philippe June 12, 2018 at 4:31 am

      Hi Harsh,

      This sounds like a triangle face shape to me.



  9. Gabriel Salazar June 16, 2018 at 9:30 pm

    Jawline 10
    Face length 7.25
    Cheekbones 5
    Forehead 4.75

    What face shape am I?

    • Charles-Philippe June 18, 2018 at 3:33 am

      Hi Gabriel,

      Sounds like triangle to me!



  10. Ian June 23, 2018 at 1:32 am

    So my measurements were about what I expected; they landed me as a triangle.
    Eight inches for my face length, six inches forehead and seven inches cheekbones, topped off with 16 inches jawline.

    • Charles-Philippe June 24, 2018 at 4:19 am

      Hi Ian,

      This sounds pretty spot-on to what a Triangle face shape should be! How does this fit with your visual face shape?



  11. Connor July 8, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    Hi my measurements are:
    Forehead: 5.5 in.
    CheekBones: 5.5 in.
    Jaw: 9 in.
    Face Length: 8 in.

    What face shape do I have? I've been trying to figure this out for the longest time.

    • Charles-Philippe July 9, 2018 at 3:10 am
  12. Johnny July 8, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    Jawline 26cm
    Face lenght 20cm
    Cheekbones 16cm
    Forehead 15cm

    • Charles-Philippe July 9, 2018 at 3:12 am

      Hi Johnny,

      If you're asking what yours is, the dimensions sound pretty close to a triangle face shape. How does that compare to a visual inspection?



  13. Pablo August 3, 2018 at 3:34 pm

    Hi guys! Loving the work here, it has helped a lot. I would like it if you can tell me what face shape I have. Leaning towards triangle, but would love an expert opinion. Here are the measurements:

    Jawline: 25cm
    Face Length: 23cm
    Forehead: 20cm
    Cheekbones: 16cm

    • Hi Pablo,

      It looks like you're similar to a triangle but these measurements are also quite close to those of a square face shape despite slightly narrow cheek bones. Check visually which is closest but you might be able to pick and choose advice according to both face shapes.



  14. MaxMax August 9, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    Jawline>Face length>forehead>cheekbones

    I don't think I fit any of them perfectly but it sort of seems like a mash-up of Oblong and Triangle(with maybe a hint of Oval) I feel like that's visually what it seems like too. Is that possible to be a 'mixed type'?

    • Hi Max,

      It is indeed possible to have traits of several face shapes. Since we've only featured 7 templates, it's unlikely that they'll account for the infinite combinations and diversity. However, if you keep in mind where your face shape crosses over our models, you can still very effectively use our guides!



  15. Vipin September 21, 2018 at 12:45 am

    My face shape is triangle face shape.. so will u suggest me trending hair style.

    • Hi Vipin,

      There are a range of hairstyles listed in this very guide. I suggest that you choose among those.



  16. Trevor September 30, 2018 at 5:37 pm

    Hi Charles!

    I just wanted to say thanks so much for putting this together!

    Could you please help me, i've been searching for the right haircut for myself my whole life!
    My measurements are in inches please help:D!
    Forehead- 4
    Cheek- 6
    Jawline- 11
    Face Length- 9.5

    I also have a receding hairline ahhh

    • Hi Trevor,

      No problem and I'm glad that you find this handy. This hairstyles suggested above are the ones that I would recommend for your face shape. If you click on the images, they'll send you to the style's guide, which will provide you with some advice on adjusting it for every face shape.

      I have a receding hairline too and I work around this with a hairstyle that is part comb-over and part undercut. Basically, it's an undercut that's swept to the side. It works quite well and I've been pleased with it of late.



  17. ishfaq Hamza October 2, 2018 at 6:40 am

    face length (8 inches)
    cheek bone width (6 inches)
    jaw line ( 8.4 inches)
    forehead ( 5 inches)

    • Hi Ishfaq,

      Do you want help with something or are you just jotting down your measurements?



    • Louis April 12, 2020 at 7:16 am

      Hi, I've come here thinking that my face shape is triangular, but I still have doubts about it. I guess I need help figuring out if my face shape really is triangular, or is it something else.

      These are me measurements:
      Forehead: 5.50 in.
      Cheekbones: 5.50 in.
      Jawline: 8 in.
      Face length: 8 in.

      • Louis April 12, 2020 at 7:18 am

        By the way, I forgot to say please! But: May someone please help me on this? Thanks, to whoever may respond.

      • Hi Louis,

        Looks like you have a triangle face shape but with some oblong length there too.

        All the best,


  18. Ahteshaam October 4, 2018 at 10:29 am

    Jaw Line> Face Length>Forehead>cheek bones
    …I'm confused which face shape is this? Plz help

    • Sounds pretty triangular, Ahteshaam.



  19. Ananda October 19, 2018 at 12:19 pm

    Was wondering if mine still fits into the Triangle category?

    Jaw line 10.5 inches
    Face length 8.5 inches
    Forehead and cheek both 6.5 inches

    • Hi Ananda,

      Sounds like it. However, always check in the mirror whether this sounds right.

      All the best,


  20. Erik October 27, 2018 at 7:46 am

    Sir ,
    my jawline(18cm) >face length(22cm) > forehead(16cm) >cheekbones(14cm)
    What face shape am I?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  21. ariel December 18, 2018 at 12:29 pm

    i have many trouble try to determine whether mt fsce shape is triangle or square or otherwise! i could reallt use your help:)
    face length>face width(a little maybe half and inch to and inch)
    cheekbones are the widest part of my face
    followed by my forehead and my jawline( i do not have a rounded jawline)
    thank you!

    • Hi Ariel,

      If your jawline is smaller than the rest, then it's not triangle.

      I'd be inclined to say heart or oval but it's hard to say just like that.


  22. Ilias January 6, 2019 at 11:08 am

    Forehead 16.5cm
    CheekBones 17cm
    Jawline 21 cm
    Face Lenght 20cm

    • If you're asking us to verify those measurements for you, you forgot to say please…!

    • Ilias January 9, 2019 at 3:34 pm

      Of Course. I am sorry..
      Can you verify my measurements?
      Thank You

      • Sure. If your measurements are accurate, you're are indeed a triangle face shape. However, the jawline you have given is abnormally large. I recommend checking this again by following our measuring guide precisely and measuring the jawline from the jawbone and not beneath the ear.



        • Ilias January 10, 2019 at 2:20 pm
        • Devanshu November 1, 2019 at 4:00 am

          Hello CP!

          I find my face measurements quite confusing..
          Face length – 19 cm
          Jawline – (8*2) = 16 cm
          Cheekbones – 13 cm
          Forehead – 12 cm

          My temple area is really thin like 11 cm and my cheekbones are bony but my jawline is rounded and my chin is average.
          Also instead of taking my jaw measurement diagonally (from jaw to chin multiplied by two), I tried taking it from one side of jaw to another (just like cheekbones and forehead) and it came out to be 10 cm (In reality my jaw looks thinner than my cheekbones).

          Can you please help me with my face shape?

          • Hi Devanshu,

            Those measurements indicate an oblong face shape.



  23. Alexandru Cornel Munteanu January 16, 2019 at 12:03 am

    Hi Charles, wondering if you could please help me determine my face type…
    my measurments are:
    face length – 19,5
    forehead – 18
    cheekbones – 20
    jaw – 19

    thanks a lot!

    • Hi Alexandru,

      Oooh, interesting measurements! They're very close so we could argue that you're either a round or square face shape.

      Would you say that you have a soften or hard jawline? If soft, you have a round face shape. Meanwhile, a hard jawline is a good indicator of a square face shape.



  24. Andreas Noutsis January 16, 2019 at 8:29 am

    Help me plz ,im not sure about my face type.
    i was measuring my jawline wrong all the time and i was sure that i have triangle face type but after i saw the example with Cillians Murphy photo i measured again correctly,my jawline is like Cillians but my jaw is squarer and the cut in the corner below the ear is a bit more aggresive.I think maybe im mixed face type, triangular with square.

    face lenght=18 cm
    jawline=18 cm
    cheek=16,17cm(not sure if im measuring correct this one but its either 16 or 17 cm)
    forehead=16 cm

    Thank you,

    • Hi Andreas,

      By the sounds of it, it appears that you may share features of both face shapes, which can be quite common. I recommend that you primarily use our triangle face shape guides but also refer to the square face shape guide for extra tips.

      All the best,


  25. Nikhil lad January 21, 2019 at 9:48 am

    Face length 18
    Forehead 12
    cheekbones 13
    Jawlines 11×2=22
    Please reply my face shape….

    • Hi Nikhil,

      It's likely a triangle face shape but I suggest that you double-check the jawline measurement using our hints above as it's considerably above average.



    • Eli Carini December 29, 2019 at 5:58 am

      Hi Charles.

      What hairstyle would you personally recommend for a triangular face with diamond features if paired with a long pointed beard, which hairstyle would you personally go with?

      • A side part with a low fade would work quite well. Try to keep some volume on the sides to offset the strong jawline and you should be fine.



  26. Tyler February 17, 2019 at 6:47 am

    Great website with fantastic content. For some reason I always end up on your website when I am looking for something. Be it watches, clippers, shoes….

    I am somewhere in between an oval/triangle/elongated face I guess. Just one thing, isn't the triangle in your pictures the wrong way around? When your jawline > checkbones > forehead, shouldn't the base of the triangle be at the bottom since that is the widest part of the face?

    • Hi Tyler,

      Yeah, we cover a lot of subjects around men's lifestyle to be an all-encompassing guide! Great to hear that you keep stumbling upon our work and it's nice to hear from a regular reader.

      What you've asked is a very good question. Typically, you would expect the base of the triangle to be the jawline and that it would be wide. While this is true in some cases, most consist of the jawbone being initially wide then instead travelling downwards to make a strong chin.

      The result is an inverted triangle face shape.



  27. Deepak Kumar Jha February 25, 2019 at 10:29 am

    My face dimensions
    Forehead : 23 cm
    Cheekbone : 28 cm
    Jawline : 30 cm
    Face length: 23 cm
    Which face shape?

    • Hi Deepak,

      It sounds like you do indeed have a triangle face shape. You're in the right place!



  28. Shaad March 21, 2019 at 9:08 am

    Lengths of forehead =15.23cm
    Width of checkbone=12.7cm
    Length of jawline=20.32cm
    Length of face=19.05cm

    What is my face shape

    • Probably triangle with that jawline. However, it seems abnormally large. Are you measuring from the bone or under the ear?



  29. Bilal May 30, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    Im so confused cant find my face shale please help me..

    Forehead 16cm
    Cheek bones 18cm
    Jawline 22
    Face length 19cm

    • Sounds like a classic triangle face shape in terms of measurements.



  30. Jyot Kamra June 6, 2019 at 6:15 am

    Forehead -> 16cm
    Cheekbones -> 13.5cm
    Jawline -> 20cm
    Face length -> 19.5cm

    • A "please", "thank you", or even a simple "hello" would be nice.

      • Jyot Kamra June 6, 2019 at 7:53 am

        I just pasted it from my notes and it got posted and i dont know where to edit or delete.
        Please let me know my face shape.

        • I'm afraid that you can't delete or edit a post once it has been published. I can delete them for you if you prefer. I realise that you were copying and pasting but I would just like a little common courtesy in the future. We get a lot of face shape requests on a daily basis so some human interaction is always appreciated!

          Your jawline and face length measurement are very close. Can you double check your measurement from the angle of the mandible to where your chin starts? If it's the same, then you're in the right place and you have a triangle face shape. Otherwise, if it's shorter, then you have an oblong face shape.



          • Jyot Kamra June 11, 2019 at 11:24 pm

            Hi CP,
            I double checked the measurements.
            They are
            Forehead -> 12cm
            Cheekbones -> 13.5cm
            Jawline -> 16cm
            Face length -> 19cm
            Please help me.

          • Hi Jyot,

            I that case, you're in the right place. This is indeed a classic triangle face shape!



  31. Felipe June 9, 2019 at 10:15 pm

    jaw line > face length > (cheek bone = forehead width)
    my cheek bone and forehead width measure the same. Am I triangle faced?

    • Hi Felipe,

      Yes, this would suggest that you have a triangle face shape even with an equal cheek bone and forehead measurement.



  32. asimdwana12 June 10, 2019 at 8:32 am


    here are my measurements:
    Cheek: 8
    Forehead: 4.5
    Jaw: 8
    Length 7.5

    I almost fit in triangle face, but my forehead is really really small, and my cheekbones are very large and my chin is not very pointy. I am definitely not round face, so what am I? :-(

    • Hi Asimdwana,

      It's likely that you're an overall triangle face but share features from other shapes. The wide cheekbones and face length show that you may have strong square face traits too.



  33. Felipe June 10, 2019 at 9:30 pm

    My jawline is the longest measurement, but my cheekbone and forehead measure exactly the same. Am I triangle faced?

    • Hi Felipe,

      If your jawline measurement is the largest, it's highly likely that you have a triangle face shape.



      • Felipe June 11, 2019 at 12:01 pm

        I posted twice because I could not find my first comment after a day. Anyway, thanks for helping simple men look better.

        • Thanks for the kind words, Felipe. It's much appreciated!

  34. Noah June 18, 2019 at 6:08 pm

    Hi, i found this website very useful so thank you for that.

    My jawline is my longest measurement, followed my length, with both my forehead and cheekbones equal which seems fairly close to a triangle face shape.

    However, my cheekbones are not my strongest feature so a) is this common for those with a triangular face and b) what beard styles can retain my jawline but extenuate my cheekbones?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Hi Noah,

      It's not uncommon to have narrow cheekbones. I would recommend a full beard with relatively full but low sides. This can help accentuate your cheekbones by creating some contrast.



  35. John June 18, 2019 at 11:40 pm

    Here are my measurements:
    Jaw = (11.5*2) = 23cm
    Length = 21.9 cm
    Forehead = 17 cm
    Cheekbones = 14.5 cm

    Do I have a triangular face? I always thought I had a round face since my face looks a little chubby.

    • John June 18, 2019 at 11:52 pm

      Also, my cheekbones are pretty high up. They are located directly below my eyes. Thanks in advance for your help!

      • Hi John,

        Unfortunately, using measurements isn't always accurate and you'll need to visually assess your face shape too. If you think it's pretty round with high cheekbones, you might be closer to a heart face shape.



      • Harsha August 8, 2019 at 11:50 pm

        Forehead= 18cm



        Face=19 cm

        Here are my measurements, according to your website i think i have a triangular face,but i feel my chin is very very small

        Can i still use styles given under triangular ????

        • Hi Harsha,

          Sounds about right judging by your measurements. You can always post a link to a photo in a comment so I can double check for you. I'll delete it before replying publicly to protect your privacy.

          All the best,


  36. Matthew Tilley September 13, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    Hi, Love this page , really helpful. Was wondering if you could help. I had my face scanned at my opticians and it came up as heart shaped. However I am unsure this is right as my measurements are….

    Face length: 21cm
    Jawline: 19cm
    Cheekbones: 16cm
    Forehead: 16cm

    Was hoping to get your opinion.


    • Hi Matthew,

      Judging by these measurements and the photo that you sent, it looks like you're in the right place! I'd say that you have an overall triangle face shape with a touch of oblong in terms of length. You can use both face shape guides to help you with styling advice but I'd lean more heavily towards the triangle face shape tips.

      All the best,


  37. Matthew Tilley September 17, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    Thanks, very much appreciated!

    • You're very welcome, Matthew!

    • Vano tchabukashvili January 6, 2020 at 8:43 pm

      Hello, Charles-Philippe!

      Lot's of people in internet seem to support the idea of a beardstache for triangular faces, what is your stance on this and would you recommend it with a tamed horseshoe style moustache?


      • Hi Vano,

        How would you describe a beardstache? Something like a Van Dyke? It's a style worth trying but we would suggest refraining from a moustache that's too long so it doesn't accentuate your jawline.

        All the best,


  38. J September 22, 2019 at 11:27 pm

    Great guide, thanks, CP. Also, just wanted to give you major props for answering quite literally every reply on here — and with such a welcoming attitude!

    I'll end with a question. I noticed most of the comments here are people that have triangle faces. I found that pretty interesting. (I also have a triangle face shape.) Do you know if triangle faces are more common? Of perhaps it's just the least definitive of the shapes thus leads to the most confusion? Just curious!

    • Hi J,

      Thanks, much appreciated! We try to get back to absolutely everyone who leaves a comment as a matter of principle so I'm grateful for your comment.

      You make a very good observation that I'm surprised no-one has picked up on until now. When writing these guides, I presumed that the triangle face shape was one of the rarest. However, it actually appears that it's the most common.

      Although it might be the case, there is the possibility that it's due to some error somewhere, though. Like you said, there may be some confusion but I believe there are some measurements issues too. At some point, I'm hoping to look into the measurement process and see how I can refine it even more to potentially improve it and avoid this possibility.

      All the best,


  39. Matthew October 28, 2019 at 5:56 am

    Ahhhh.Face shapes are really confusing.I think mine might be oval or triangular.Can someone gave me any idea?Measurements are
    Face length=21cm
    Cheek bone=12cm

    • Rafael Dominguez October 29, 2019 at 4:04 pm

      Hey Matthew,

      I think you were right on the money – by those measurements, it looks like you have a triangular face shape.



  40. Marcus November 30, 2019 at 9:01 pm

    Hi, Rafael or CP (either works),

    I need to know my face shape and I think it may be tringular or a diamond.

    Could you analyse for me?


    The best wishes,

    • Hi Marcus,

      It looks like that you have an overall triangle face shame (very impressive jawline!) but with elements (cheekbones) of diamond, too. It's quite common to not fit in a single category and have features that correspond to multiple face shapes.

      You can use the both the diamond and triangle face shape guides to pick and choose the suggestions that we provide.

      All the best,


  41. Noah December 1, 2019 at 4:00 am

    I think i have a triangle face shape, but the problem is that my forehead unlike most triangles is very tall, and also its got acne on it (im a teen) so highlighting it wouldn't be the best idea. What hairstyle would you recommend then?

  42. Hi Noah,

    I remember that I had really bad acne at your age. Don't worry, it'll eventually go on its own if you take care of your skin. I used exfoliating micro-bead scrubs in the shower to open and clean the pores. Afterwards, I would use a very mild (not greasy) and neutral moisturiser.

    I know that it's unbearable, though, and I really suffered! That said, after taking care of it for some time, I used to instead get compliments on how clear my skin was!

    In my experience, it got worse when I tried to hide it with a fringe. This is because covering it up won't let the skin breathe and causes a build-up in grease.

    If you really want to hide it, opt for a short Caesar crop. However, I'd be inclined to go instead with a side part. Aim for texture in both cases and maybe a disconnected, undercut fade.

    How do those sound?

    Also, take care with the hair product that you use – avoid those that tend to get oily and will run when it rains. This really caused a breakout in my acne back in the day.



  43. Coby December 11, 2019 at 7:53 am

    I think i have a triangle or diamond face shape, but I am confused. Please help me out. My measurements are:

    Please help as I think that my face looks too small. If I try and raise the hair my face looks like it's been stretched. I did some research and saw that I could do a fringe to compensate with the pointy chin, and make my face look a bit bigger.
    my brother says that my face will grom more as I am just a teenager.
    Please help :(

    • Hi Coby,

      Your brother is right. Your face change will change a lot as you develop.

      Until then, it appears that your face is more triangle with a touch of oblong in the length. I'd recommend that you use both guides to find the most relevant and useful advice.



  44. nandan December 15, 2019 at 8:25 am

    face length=16.8cm

    someone pls help mine doesnt seem to match any face shape

    • Probably triangle.

      All the best,


  45. vishal December 17, 2019 at 3:41 am

    forehead 15 cm
    chickbone 15 cm
    jawline 18cm
    facelength 18cm
    please help to find my face shape

    • Likely triangle or oblong.



  46. Danish December 29, 2019 at 3:13 am

    Face length–20cm
    Please Tell me my face shape Plz

    • How Danish,

      Sounds like you have a triangle face shape.



  47. Zander January 16, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Jawline- 26
    Face length- 23
    Cheekbones- 19
    Forehead- 16

    • We're not Google, buddy. If you want us to tell you your face shape, a "hi", "please", or "thank you" would be nice.

      • Zander January 22, 2020 at 12:31 pm

        Didn't mean to offend! My apologies. I think I've got it well figured out thank you.

        • No worries and apologies if I came on a bit strong. We get face shape enquiries all the time and sometimes people just list out their measurements expecting a response. It's a little cold when you're responding to about 10 of these every day!

          All the best,


  48. Jack February 29, 2020 at 2:21 am

    Hi, I was hoping someone could help me choose a face shape (or the closest one?)

    My measurements are:
    Length 7.25in
    Forehead: 4.5in
    Cheekbones: 5in
    Jawline: 4in/side (8in)

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    • Looks like you could be either an oblong or triangle face shape.

      All the best,


      • John April 3, 2020 at 12:28 pm

        Hi Charles,

        I have similar measurements : Face length 21cm, Forehead 15cm, Cheekbones 15cm, Jawline – 21-24cm depending on where i measure.

        In this circumstances where someone may have a mixture of long face (oblong)and long jawline (triangle) which beard style would you recommend?


        • Hi John,

          It's perfectly normal to fit into more than one category of face shape. I would recommend something like a box beard as it doesn't have too much width and length, which are things best avoided. Otherwise, a trimmed full beard may work too.

          All the best,


        • Vinny April 4, 2020 at 4:36 pm

          Hello, can you help me please? I have a chubby face and it's hard for me to understand my face shape.

          My measurements are:
          Length: 19cm
          Jawline: (9.5 x 2 =) 19.5cm
          Forehead 13.5cm
          Cheekbone: 12.6cm

          Thank you so much!

          • Hi Vinny,

            Looks like it's either oblong or triangle or even a bit of both. You're welcome to send us a link in a follow-up comment, which we'll delete when we reply.



  49. Torben April 7, 2020 at 10:40 am

    By measure, I have a triangle face (lenght: 19cm, cheek 14cm, forehead 12cm, jaw 18cm [9cm x 2])

    However, when I look in the mirror, I don't see a wide jaw, but a chin that tends to be pointed despite my slightly rounded features on the cheek. So,Ii have 3 questions:

    1 – Having a significantly smaller forehead than the cheeks would exclude the chances of my face being oval?

    2 – Wouldn't having an angular face exclude the chances of my face being diamond?

    3 – The measurements are so right that my face is really triangle, even with a small jawline?

    I'm quite confused

    • Hi Torben,

      1. Yes, oval faces have wider cheeks.
      2. Yes, diamonds usually have angular features.
      3. Sometimes triangle face shapes aren't wide but long.

      Given that your face length is quite long too, this may support that theory.

      All the best,


  50. Chase April 9, 2020 at 1:19 am

    Hey Charles!

    I just read through this whole page, including every comment, just gathering all the info I can.. and guess what? I have no questions! Just wanted to tell you how awesome you are for answering everyone's questions for nearly TWO YEARS on this page and being incrediblY kind and understandable every time.

    All the best to you, and again, thank you for all the hard work you have put into this whole site. It is overwhelmingly helpful to all us regular joes out here!

    – Chase

    • Hi Chase,

      Thank you very much for your kind words. Indeed, my morning routine always starts with answering comments before getting on with the planned content!

      It's greatly appreciated and I wish you all the best!


  51. Roshan April 19, 2020 at 8:00 pm

    Hi Charles!

    I am extremely confused about what guidelines you wrote for face shapes. If measuring from a string, I have the widest jawline, then cheekbones then length of face then forehead. (if we multiply jawline by 2). (measuring cheekbones from the start of hair as it is the widest part)

    But looking in the mirror, I think I have a very smooth jaw with no pointed chin. (hence not diamond) I am also confused about the oval face shape (because I was not clear about the measuring of the cheekbones) And is it necessary that Diamond face shapes have a pointy chin? and is this the only difference between diamond and oval? I have searched everywhere for this.
    What am I?

    • Hi Roshan,

      In your next comment, paste a link of photo with your face so I can have a look. Sometimes measurements aren't always accurate and a visual evaluation is actually better. I'll delete the link when I reply so it isn't publicised here.



  52. Roshan April 20, 2020 at 11:22 am

    Thank you, Charles, for your reply. I have uploaded some photos.
    **Link Deleted**

    Please tell me about my face shape. Also, I have extended ears as you can see in my pictures, so suggestions regarding my hairstyle and beard would be very kind.


    • Hi Roshan,

      It looks to me like a classic oval face shape. These are quite easy to style as they have even proportions. There's lots to try and I wouldn't even know where to begin! What are you looking to do? If you're looking for something modern, you could grow out your beard into a boxed or angular full beard and style your hair with a side-part and disconnected fade.

      As for your ears, they're not as bad as you think. I didn't even notice before you mentioned it as I opened the link first. I wouldn't worry about it!

      All the best,


      All the best,


      • Roshan April 21, 2020 at 12:16 am

        Hi CP,

        I totally understand the beard thanks, I'll probably go for a boxed beard.
        I do not think that I can do fade on sides as I told you earlier I am really cautious about my ears. I don't know why. I don't mind short to medium sides. But I also have thin hair so growing very long for like man bun isn't for me as well and I end up looking like an orange with hair everywhere :D
        The hairstyle really confuses me. I was thinking of Pompadour but I don't want to be putting wax in my hair every day causing hair fall.


        • Your best bet would probably be a side part. You could try a low fade rather than a high one to better conceal your ears.



          • Roshan April 21, 2020 at 7:06 pm

            Many thanks man for all the help you provided. There is just one last thing I want to ask. What are your reviews for "Bob Morley" hairstyle? It looks lit on him. Do you suggest such a style for Oval face shape (mine)

          • Dreadlocks? They're hard work if you want to do them properly! But you can certainly do it if you want and it should suit your face shape.

          • Roshan April 22, 2020 at 6:45 pm

            No, what I meant was sort of shaggy hairstyles for men. What's your opinion on it?

          • What sort of shaggy hairstyle do you mean? Can you give me an example?

  53. Fady April 22, 2020 at 4:31 pm


    As another commenter mentioned, isn't the jawline going to ALWAYS be the largest measurement since it is measure from chin to below the ear and MULTIPLIED BY 2

    thanks for the awesome article though

    • Hi Fady,

      I'm going to look into this as I'm not the only one who uses this approach. Perhaps I can find a more accurate way. In theory, you only measure a short portion of the jaw. I personally get an oval result, which is what I am. Nevertheless, it needs more of my attention.



  54. Rashed April 28, 2020 at 5:13 pm

    My forehead is smaller than my cheekbones….i am also going bald, is shaving my head ,the only solution?

    • If you're going bald, what other solutions would you envisage?

  55. Yashraj May 3, 2020 at 10:19 am

    Hey My face appears to be round(I'm fat af)
    But I have a little doubt about are my measurements
    Forehead- 13cm
    Cheekbone- 14 cm
    jawline- 16 cm
    face length- 16.5 cm
    Yeah my face is really small..And it looks pretty ugly.. but uk..for my own sake..I'd like to know

    • Hi Yashraj,

      If you feel that your face is round, don't worry too much about the measurements. Feel free to use our round face shape guide instead.

      By the way, don't be so hard on yourself! Find a style, own it, and avoid being negative about your own appearance! I'm sure you're a good-looking guy! Be You!

      All the best,


  56. Mik May 17, 2020 at 5:35 pm

    Hi Charles,
    First, my compliments for this beautiful guide!
    The problem is that I can't understand which is my face shape. I'd be glad If you could help me, please

    My measurements are:
    Face lenght: 21 cm
    Jawline: 20 cm
    Forehead: 16 cm
    Cheekbone: 14 cm

    • Hi Mark,

      It seems that you're closer to oblong than anything else. However, you may have some triangle features there too. I suggest using a combination of both guides for styling tips.

      All the best,


      • Mik May 18, 2020 at 3:34 am

        Hi again Charles,

        Thank you for your fast answer and for your time.
        I am definitely going to follow your advice.

        Just a curiosity. Have you ever thought about creating an automatic tool where someone can insert his measurements so he could get his face shape?


        • Hi Mik,

          You're very welcome! We've certainly thought about it! We just haven't yet had the time to actually work on it!

          All the best,


  57. Brent V May 25, 2020 at 2:09 pm


    Could someone help?

    Length 20 = Jaw 20 > Cheek 16/18 > Forehead 15

    Thanks in Advance

    • Hi Brent,

      Looks like you have either an oblong or triangle face shape.



  58. geo May 30, 2020 at 4:18 am

    hello, I would appreciate if you could help me
    jawline 28cm (14*2)
    cheekbones 18
    Probably a large that possible?? IS a man bun siuts me?? thank you

    • Hi Geo,

      That's a very large jawline measurement. Can you double-check the guide and make sure that it's correct please?



      • geo June 5, 2020 at 11:47 am

        thank you for your time!!
        shightly smaller 12.5*2 25cm jawline! And the lenght is 20 cm not 21. the other mesurements are the same.

        • No problem! Ok, sounds like it must be a triangle face shape, then. Does that sound right?

          • Dasun July 11, 2020 at 9:01 am

            Hey man,
            My face length is 7.3inches
            Cheekbones= 6.4 inches
            My jawline is 8 inches
            My forehead is around 6.1 inches
            Really appreciate if you'd reply

          • Hi Dasun,

            This is a tough one as there is a very small difference between your measurements. Normally it would be triangle but depending on your features, it may be triangle or round. How does it feel to you upon a visual inspection?

            All the best,


  59. geo June 5, 2020 at 2:36 pm
  60. Aayush July 26, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    Hi there !!
    Facelength > Jawline > Forehead > Cheekbone
    what face shape do i have ….
    Please Help …

    • Hi Aayush,

      Probably an oblong face shape!



  61. Daniel August 1, 2020 at 11:40 pm

    Hi! Sorry, I know there are lots of people here asking the same, but Im lost too

    My forehead is 15 cm

    Cheeckbone 15 cm

    Lenght is 19,5? cm

    And Jaw is 22 cm

    Could you help me?

    • Hi Daniel,

      It does sound like a triangle face shape. Does this feel right to you?



  62. eli shmarini August 19, 2020 at 5:50 am

    .just like Daniel's comment above, my measurements show Forehead=cheekbones<face length<jawline(15=15<20<22). I feel like my face is more like a triangle but I can see some oblong characteristics too probably due to equal forehead and cheekbone measurements.
    I have a receding hairline, which I sometimes try to cope with fades however it really is not pragmatic as it makes my ears look bigger. I have checked all your guides, however, I would want to ask what would you think would be a good idea to do, as side parts, comb overs, fades, they will not help soon and I will eventually have to "move" to a buzz cut/going bold "department". would you think its optimal to incorporate buzz cut/going bold with some sort of beard? I had a bold head once and softness didn't look good on me either with a goatee or with short beard styles which is understandable now after checking your guides. I could technically grow any type of beard but I find it unnecessary for my face shape. My question is, is it worth for my face shape to go for a buzz cut or bold and should I use any type of beards for that?

    thank you very much! your guides are the best on the internet and it was super helpful for me as well. Kudos.

    • Hi Eli,

      It's quite common to have features from more than one face shape. I wouldn't worry about this. Instead, use both guides to incorporate the relevant advice.

      I have a receding hairline, too, and I personally just have a side part. I don't try to hide my hair loss as that never works. If your ears feel big with fades, try going for lower fades or scissor cuts. And, indeed, a beard can really help as well.

      If you wish to go bald, that's fine too. It's a choice that's yours and don't let anyone tell you what you have to do. There's no specific beard style that works best with a bald head. Since you have a predominantly triangle face shape, check out the recommended beards for that while keeping in mind the pitfalls for an oblong face shape.

      All the best,


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inverted triangle face shape male hairstyles


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